Suns rose and suns set as we slowly began to chisel away at our 34″ diameter dead ash with an…
Some might call it laziness, but I like to think of it as wild appreciation. The yard is a lot…
The colder months begin to whisper in like morning fog on a river. Deciduous color sneaks around the gardens and…
Sans finish counter-top, the kitchen has now completed a full renovation revolution, from flooded to gutted to fresh and new!…
Ah, the scent of late spring…yellow, purple and green caressed with raindrops. After almost 3 weeks of non-stop rain the…
As the Daffodils bow their heads, the spring clock is ticking to get a jump start on this years projects!…
Tiny Crocus stretch towards the sun and new birds appear at our feeders as the winter snow piles wither away.…
A February of Winter Wonderlands finally arrives and puts snow blower to the test. But with this much snow we…
On Christmas Eve the temperature was in the mid 50s amidst torrential downpours. The river rose almost 2 feet in…
Over the last few weeks of unfrozen ground, our drainage trench system was completed! All roof gutters and well overflow…